
Why People Trust Us

Health & Risk Management Solutions

Health Insurance entails an intricate and perplexing concept. It is rare for people to have a full understanding or comprehension of the way their Health Insurance works.

For instance, numerous Indemnity policies in the marketplace tout no deductible and as being relatively inexpensive. Unbeknownst to the customer, these plans typically have co-insurance of $10,000 and an out-of-pocket range between $25,000 to $50,000. As a result, after any considerable health or accident event, the “insured” have a large amount still left owing out of pocket.

MotorMed Health Insurance Group is devoted to instructing our customers and associates. Addressing their individual issues. We prioritize a consulting methodology rather than a sales-oriented method.

The aim is to make the intricate more straightforward and minimize it as much as we can. This plan will provide security to our customers and associates from any new products that may arise in the Health Insurance Domain.

Our Expertise

Our goal is to simplify the complicated and dial down on it as much as possible. This approach will bulletproof our clients and partners from the “latest and greatest products” that may enter the Health Insurance Space.

01. Health Insurance for Automotive Shops

MotorMed Health Insurance Group offers a wide range of comprehensive health insurance plans tailored to meet the unique needs of automotive shop owners. Our plans cover preventative care, hospitalization, emergency services, and prescription medications, ensuring that you and your employees have access to the best possible healthcare.

02. Indemnity and Accident Plans

Our indemnity and accident plans provide financial protection for automotive shop owners and their employees in the event of an accident, injury, or illness. With MotorMed Health Insurance Group, you can rest assured knowing that your business and your employees are protected against unforeseen circumstances.

03. Short-Term and Long-Term Disability

for automotive shop owners who require temporary coverage. Whether you’re between jobs, waiting for group coverage to begin, or require additional coverage for seasonal workers, our short-term plans provide the flexibility and affordability you need.

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